My name is Cassandra, or you can call me Casi. I'm a first generation college student from Minnesota who likes to challenge herself to get over her fears and try new things. For example, going to college scares me, but being 1600 miles away from home makes it less scary. The concept is backwards from what is expected, and I don't always understand how it makes sense either.
Due to my nature, here are some phrases I am bound to say at some point in time/words that I cannot disguise my accent with:
- "Ya know?"
- "Bag" (it will sound like 'beg')
- "Boat" (this one is strong!)
- "You betcha"
By week two or three my accent is mostly hidden other than these phrases or words with long O's.

I transferred in with over 40 credits from dual enrolling during my junior and senior year of high school. This is my first semester as Advertising and Public Relations major.
I have always had a generally strong creative side, so this major seemed like the best fit for me. I hope this class helps me to understand how to translate drawings into digital art, and how to create my own images. I also hope this class helps me to narrow down what direction I want to go with major.

My dad and I have a 1959 Chevy Apache PU that we have had since I was 4. I eventually want to make a logo with the truck somehow. Here is a picture of the truck.
- Signing Off -
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